Home » The Sims 4 Greasy Goods CC Stuff Pack

The Sims 4 Greasy Goods CC Stuff Pack

by Jessica P
The Sims 4 Greasy Goods CC Stuff Pack

Greasy Goods CC

Hello everyone! I present to you my latest stuff pack: The SIms 4 Greasy Goods! This stuff pack was inspired by famous Fast Food franchise McDonald’s. The idea for this pack got to me after discovering the Nintendo DS Japanese Game “McDondald’s e-Crew Development Program”, an internal tool from 2007 (i think) that was used to train new McDonald’s employees. I personally loved McDonald’s, so the discovery of this long lost game was just the catalyst for me to make this pack!

  • Custom Content brings additional hair , clothing, stuff and other downloads to the game. Custom Content are popular among Sims 4 players. There is far more free content available to download than is included in the base game and all game packs combined.
  • Custom Content ( CC ) is dress, underwear, top and accessory that can be downloaded and added to your game. You can find everything from shoes, to clothing, earrings, and amazing make up.
  • Mods, Fan Made Stuff Pack, Furnuture, Dress, Hairstyle, Hair , Pants, Jean, Skirt, Nails, Tattoo, Shoes, Eye Colors, Eyebrow, Presets, lipstick, Maxis Match, Greasy Goods CC

Credit : littledica